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Paris Guide

Our guide on the city of Paris for a successful trip
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With 32 million visitors per year on average, Paris is the most visited city in the world. Champs Elysees, Beaubourg, Montmartre and Pigalle are names that make you dream travelers tempted to get caught up to the charms of the city of love. Whether you have one day, a weekend or a week to visit Panama, do not leave without reading this guide will allow you to make the most of your stay!

Summary :
History of the city Paris
When to go to Paris?
What to visit in Paris?
How to move to Paris?

History of the City of Paris

If the first signs of settlement in the Paris area date back about 4000 years BC, Paris has not always benefited from the importance or radiation that are hers today.

After the submission of the Gallic people Parisii to the Roman Empire in 52 BC, the Roman city, then called Lutetia, is of secondary importance for Empire principally directed towards the Mediterranean. It's Clovis making for the first time a major city taking Paris as the capital of his newly conquered Gaulle in 508 AD.

Relegated to secondary city status of a kingdom extended eastward under Charlemagne and his successors first Capetians, Paris does not become the capital of the kingdom under Philip Augustus in the late twelfth century. If he develops a strong central government, higher education and undertake important work of fortification and sanitation, this is not enough to offset the high population growth of capital which already attracts most of the strong exodus Country of the time. Especially between the mid fourteenth century and the late fifteenth, Paris faces several English attacks, and many plague epidemics. From 1436, successive monarchs prefer to settle in the Loire where many castles were built, leaving the capital as well

It was only towards the middle of the Renaissance Francis restored in 1528, the royal residence in the capital. Y then begins a period of strong intellectual and artistic influence which contrasts sharply with the hygiene and living conditions of ordinary people execrable. From 1677 and Louis XIV, the monarchs are leaving again for Paris establishing their court and government to Versailles, promoting hostilities between royalty and the Parisians fed by the Enlightenment.

The main events of the French Revolution took place between Paris and Versailles convocation of the States General and Tennis Court Oath in May-June 1789, storming of the Bastille on July 14 declaration of the Republic and Terror.

Napoleon Bonaparte crowned Emperor in 1804, impulse large constructions and the first big cleanup. His nephew Napoleon III in 1848 takes the first urban planning of the city to entrust them to Baron Haussmann, which destroyed thousands of makeshift housing to reorganize the city around major roads. In 1860, Paris Annex more adjacent municipalities to form the city to the 20 districts that we know today.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the Paris of the Belle Epoque is both an industrial and working class city and a stronghold of European culture. It adopts urban features and modern architecture subway construction with its wrought iron mouths, opening stores (the Samaritan), building of the Petit and Grand Palais. The City of Light hosts two major world exhibitions in 1889 and 1900. Montmartre and Montparnasse are highlights of artistic creation and attract the best artists of the time, including Picasso, Braque, Matisse.

Far from the front lines in the two world wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45, Paris is relatively spared by the bombing. Occupied from 1940 to 1944 by the Wehrmacht, it lost its role as capital for the benefit of Vichy and, upon release August 25, 1944, she narrowly escaped the loss of much of its heritage thanks to General Von Choltitz who capitulated without executing Hitler's order to destroy the main monuments.

Since 1945, Paris was the undisputed capital of the French state, centralizing most of its administrative, political, economic and cultural. City modernization efforts are marked since the 2000s by a desire to make a city more enjoyable, promoting green spaces, public transport and cycle traffic.

When to go to Paris ?

While most tourists visit Paris in the spring and early summer, the capital has a special charm in every season :

What to visit in Paris?

It is difficult to make an exhaustive list of attractions to visit in Paris as they are many and vary from season to season !

How to move to Paris ?

To move to Paris, there are multiple solutions :

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